1) Paid rent of $10,000 excluding GST a) GST 909 b) GST 1000 c) GST 11 000 2) Received sales revenue of $1,100 including GST. Total received = a) 100 b) 1000 c) 1100 3) Paid wages of $800 GST = a) 0 b) 880 c) 80 4) Tara buys a bunch of flowers for $350 excluding GST. total paid = a) 350 b) 385 c) 35 5) Paid for Instagram advertising campaign costing $6,600 including GST. a) GST 600 b) GST 660 c) GST 6600 6) the owner withdrew cash for personal use $1000 a) OE (DRAWINGS)increase 1000, A (BANK)decrease 1000 b) OE (DRAWINGS)decrease 1000, A (BANK)decrease c) OE (DRAWINGS)increase 1000, A (BANK)increase 7) purchased computer for office for cash $2,200 including GST a) A (COMP) decrease 2000, L(GST) increase 200 b) A (Bank-comp) decrease 200, L(GST) decrease 200 c) A (bank-comp) increase 200, L(GST) decrease 200 8) borrowed $100,000 from the Bendigo Bank a) A(bank) increase 100000, L(loan) increase 100000 b) A (bank) decrease 100000, L(Accounts payable) increase 100000 c) A (bank) decrease 100000, L(Loan) increase 10000 9) purchased inventory on credit for $800 plus GST a) A(bank) decrease 880, L( Loan-gst) increase 800 b) A (inventory) increase 880, L( Accounts pay-gst) increase 880 c) A(Inventory) increase 800, L( Accounts pay-gst) increase 800

GST and analysis


दृश्य शैली


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