1) Allah alone is ArRub, الرب, the Lord means  a) He is the only Creator b) He provides all creatures with their needs c) The Guardian  d) He is the Care-taker of everything e) The Owner f) Has partners or equivalent? 2) Allah has the most beautiful names, He is a) We don’t need to learn them b) We don’t need to worship Allah with them c) Al-Ghafur, the Forgiving, الغفور d) The Merciful, ArRaheem, الرحيم e) The Guide, Al-Hadi, الهادي f) The Incomparable, AlBadi’, البديع 3) Believing in Allah as the One and only God worthy to be worshipped means a) All praise belongs to Him alone b) He is the One and only God c) Him alone we should worship d) To magnify, love and submit to Him alone. e) All prophets taught that faith f) Can people associate partners with Him.

Tawheed, Allah is One and Only, Quiz2



दृश्य शैली


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