1) Which of the folllowing are starchy carbohydrates a) pear b) bannana c) rice 2) Carbohydrates are needed in the body for? a) growth and repair b) slow releasing energy c) stong bones and teeth 3) Which of these contain more protien? a) apple b) ham c) bread d) crisps 4) Protien has what function in the body? a) growth and repair b) slow releasing energy c) stong bones and teeth 5) The main food group we gain Vitamin C from is? a) Starchy carbohydrates b) Dairy foods c) Foods containing fats and sugars d) Meat, fish and alternatives e) Fruit and vegetables 6) Vitamin C's function in the body is? a) helps the body absorb iron b) To prevent night blindness c) help release energy from carbohydrates d) works with calcium to form stong bones and teeth 7) Vitamin A's function in the body is? a) helps the body absorb iron b) To prevent night blindness c) help release energy from carbohydrates d) works with calcium to form stong bones and teeth 8) Vitamin B's function in the body is? a) helps the body absorb iron b) To prevent night blindness c) help release energy from carbohydrates d) works with calcium to form stong bones and teeth 9) Vitamin D's function in the body is? a) helps the body absorb iron b) To prevent night blindness c) help release energy from carbohydrates d) works with calcium to form stong bones and teeth 10) Fat is needed in the body to? a) works with calcium to form stong bones and teeth b) insulate and protect c) works with calcium to form stong bones and teeth d) slow releasing energy 11) Saturated fat is a bad fat why? a) It causes obesity b) it causes high cholesterol c) it causes strokes d) it makes you constipated 12) Fibre is needed in the body to? a) help release energy from carbohydrates b) works with calcium to form stong bones and teeth c) reduces the risk of cancer d) prevents constipation 13) Iron is needed in the body for? a) help release energy from carbohydrates b) the production of red blood cells c) for stong bones and teeth 14) Calciums main function in the body is? a) helps the body absorb iron b) the production of red blood cells c) for stong bones and teeth

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