day in, day out - happening every day, miss the boat - to fail to use an opportunity, all of a sudden - suddenly, once in a blue moon - very rarely, be bound to - likely to happen, come out of your shell - become less shy and more confident, head over heels in love - loving somebody very much, over the hill - old and therefore no longer attractive, be in the same boat - be in the same difficult situation, come rain or shine - no matter how hard it is to do, bark up the wrong tree - make the wrong choice and waste one's effort, in full swing - having reached a very lively level, break new ground - make new discoveries, icing on the cake - sth extra that makes a good thing even better, pull someone's leg - to play a joke on somebody, on the spur of the moment - without planning, make a mountain out of a molehill - make an important matter seem important, out of this world - very good, excellent, rain cats and dogs - rain really heavily, come in handy - be useful, face the music - accept and deal with the unpleasant result of sth, paint the town red - have a great time , be in two minds (about sth) - be unable to decide what you think, live from hand to mouth - have hardly enough money to survive, pull a long face - look very disappointed or sad, have butterflies in your stomach - have a nervous feeling in your stomach, let the cat out of the bag - reveal a secret, bring the house down - get great approval from an audience, speak your mind - say what you think, cost an arm and leg - be very expensive,



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