sound wave - Any object can make a , vibration - A movement about a fixed point , particles - Sound waves can travel in a gas, liquid or solid because they all contain, vibrate - When an object vibrates it makes the particles next to it -------- too, squashes - As the vibrating object moves toward the air particles, it -------- them together, spread - As the object moves away from the air particles next to it, it gives them more space so they ------ out, matter - The movement of sound through air can be explained by using the particle model of , forces of attraction - The particles in liquids and solids are held together by , liquid - Sound travels very well through a, solid - When sounds travels through a ------- it moves even faster, vacuum - Sound waves cannot travel through a -------- because it doesn't contain any particles, echoes - --------- occur when here is a time interval between the transmitted and received sounds of over one tenth of a second,



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