1) fish in _____ waters (извлекать выгоду) a) muddy b) troubled c) blurred d) foggy 2) there are plenty more fish in the ____ (there are many other people to have a relationship with) a) pond b) river c) sea d) ocean 3) a big fish in a small ____ (a person who is important only within a small field or group) a) pond b) river c) loch d) pool 4) a _____ of fish (a matter you have to deal with) a) pot b) group c) bucket d) kettle 5) a fish out of ______ (не в своей тарелке) a) place b) family c) water d) pond 6) a _____ fish (a person who does not seem very friendly and does not show their emotions) a) frozen b) warm c) cold d) bland

Fish idioms



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