1) When pressure within the lungs become abnormally elevated. The mPAP is > the systemic BP.  a) O2 Sat goal b) Pulmonary Hypertension c) Pulmonary Hypertensive Crisis d) Nursing Care 2) Post ductal SATs are lower a) Right to Left Shunt b) Target istat results c) Tachycardia d) Cardiac ECHO 3) Sudden, acute rise in pulmonary vascular resistance, causing pressure overload of the RV and an increase in volume. Cardiac output is simultaneously decreased, and more blood is shunted away from the lungs a) Tachycardia b) Gentle Ventilation c) Pulmonary Hypertensive Crisis d) Pulmonary Hypertension 4) Non- invasive test used to evaluate the severity of PHTN a) High Airway Pressure b) Tachycardia c) Cardiac ECHO d) O2 Sat goal 5) Too little can worsen PHTN, too much can augment over circulation by increasing the left to right shunt. a) Right to Left Shunt b) Epinephrine c) Oxygen d) Nursing Care 6) Impairs diastolic filling, leading to decreased cardiac output and coronary perfusion. a) Tachycardia b) Epinephrine c) Pulmonary Hypertensive Crisis d) O2 Sat goal 7) Leads to RV distension, decreasing LV preload and causes cardiac output to decrease further. a) Pulmonary Hypertensive Crisis b) Target istat results c) Bradycardia d) O2 Sat goal 8) Impaired cardiac filling and output, particularly in the failing RV a) Epinephrine b) Milrinone c) Tachycardia d) High Airway Pressure 9) Used to increase the systemic BP, decreasing the difference between pulmonary and systemic pressures, leading to a decrease in shunting. a) Epinephrine b) Oxygen c) Gentle Ventilation d) O2 Sat goal 10) Pre-ductal O2 SATs 85-95% in patient with CDH a) O2 Sat goal b) Bradycardia c) Inhaled prostacyclin (Veletri) d) Gentle Ventilation 11) pCO2 50-65mm and pH > 7.25 in patient with CDH a) Target istat results b) Tachycardia c) Right to Left Shunt d) Gentle Ventilation 12) PIP limited to < 25 cm H2O and pre ductal sats > 85% a) Milrinone b) Bradycardia c) Pulmonary Hypertensive Crisis d) Gentle Ventilation 13) Used to improve LV/RV function a) Pulmonary Hypertensive Crisis b) High Airway Pressure c) Milrinone d) Inhaled prostacyclin (Veletri) 14) Max dose is 100 ng/kg/min. Inhibits platelet aggregation. May not be used if patient on ECMO. a) Target istat results b) Inhaled prostacyclin (Veletri) c) Right to Left Shunt d) Milrinone 15) Minimize noxious stimuli, Enforce minimal stimulation practices, provide breaks as needed, maximize use of PRN medications a) Nursing Care b) O2 Sat goal c) Cardiac ECHO d) Inhaled prostacyclin (Veletri)

PHTN Pathophysiology- NICU addition 2


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