truck (noun) - big vehicle to transport products, superhighway (noun) - main road between towns or cities, headlights (noun) - lights in front of a vehicle, dark (adjective) - very little or no light, black, gobble (verb) - eat, swallow quickly, unique (adjective) - special, extraordinary, hijacked (adjective) - robbed in a vehicle, gun (noun) - firearm, revolver, polite (adjective) - attentive, mannerly, fur (noun) - the hairy coat of an animal, candy bars (noun) - bars made of candy like chocolate, lick (verb) - to pass the tongue, taste, cabin (noun) - a small house, bark (verb) - the sharp cry of a dog, sugar cane (noun) - grass from which sugar is extracted, warehouse (noun) - a building to storage products, cure (noun) - medicine, remedy, pill (noun) - a small tablet or capsule of medicine, maple syrup (noun) - liquid made of maple, cinnamon (noun) - a spice taken from a tree,

Chocolate Fever - Chapters 8-12 Vocabulary


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