1) Name the feature? a) wadi b) seif dune c) Oasis 2) The action of the wind is of little importance in: a) wet climates b) dry climates c) forests 3) ____% of all deserts surfaces are sand covered. a) 30 b) 45 c) 67 4) Coastal lagoons are formed behind : a) spit b) Bar c) Bay 5) Sharp ,knife edged ridge between two corrie called: a) Tarn b) Moraine c) Arete 6) farmers who move around with their animals are called: a) Pastoralists b) Pastoral nomads c) Nomads 7) Dasu patan gorge is located in: a) China b) India c) Pakistan 8) Aswan dam is located in: a) Morocco b) Egypt c) Libya 9) Which features of the climate make cultivation impossible? a) low rainfall b) very high temperature c) both of them 10) Bahrain's total precipitation is approx.: a) 45mm b) 83mm c) 10mm

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