1) The garden is … the house a) in b) behind c) under 2) The basement is … the house a) under b) behind c) in front of d) next to 3) There's a bag ... the door a) in front of b) behind c) on 4) There's a TV … the living room a) behind b) on c) in 5) There is a desk … of my bed a) under b) in front c) next 6) There's a poster … the wall a) on b) in c) in front of d) under 7) The bag is … the floor a) next to b) on c) in d) in front of 8) The car is … the garage a) in b) on c) under 9) Sue is … her brother in this photo a) under b) next to 10) The balcony is … the window a) in b) in front of 11) There are books … the bookshelf a) on b) under c) next to 12) There's a boy … the door a) behind b) on c) under 13) There's a ball … the chair a) under b) on 14) There's a laptop ... the desk a) on b) in c) under 15) There's a skateboard ... a t-shirt a) next to b) behind c) on 16) There are books ... the bed a) on b) in c) under

prepositions of place



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