1) If you steal something from a store, you can be charged with a) Bribery b) Shoplifting c) Fraud d) Slander 2) If attack someone physically, you can be charged with a) Assault b) Robbery c) Homicide d) Trafficking 3) If you kill someone intentionally, you will be charged with a) Slander b) Assault c) Forgery d) Homicide 4) If you falsify documents, such as Id's or passport, you will be charged with a) Robbery b) Forgery c) Black Mailing d) Theft 5) If you steal a car, you will be charged with a) Black Mailing b) Robbery c) Reckless driving d) Theft 6) If you go into a bank and steal all the money, you will be charged with a) Theft b) Black mailing c) Robbery d) Forgery 7) If you have a car crash and decide to escape the scene, you will be charged with a) Hit and run b) Scaping the scene c) Tresspassing d) Black mailing 8) If you threath someone of doing what you say, or else they reveal private information, you will be charged with a) Tresspassing b) Slender c) Bribery d) Black mailing 9) If you pay money or other form payment to avoid a resposability, you will be charged with a) Bribery b) Black mailing c) Tresspassing d) Slender 10) If you enter someone else's private proprety without permission, you will be charged with a) Slender b) Tresspassing c) Passing out d) Trafficking 11) If you publicly defamate (say lies about a person) a person, you will be charged with a) Hit and run b) Telling lies c) Slender d) Defamation 12) What do you normally get when you drive faster than it's permitted? a) Reckless driving b) A charge of theft c) A license suspension d) A speeding fine / ricket 13) What do you call a person that has never commited a crime before this once? a) A repeat-ofender b) A normal ofender c) A first-time ofender d) Innocent 14) What's it called when a person accepts to have commited a crime? a) A suspension b) Plead guilty c) Community service d) Admission of a crime 15) What's an alternative punishment that requires doing social work? a) Community service b) Prison Community c) Social work in a community d) Community manager

Crime and punishment vocabulary



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