1) These are your parents who will always support you if you …............... your friends. a) fall out with b) fall for c) go round to 2) John …..... …......... Mary when he was at university and she was working in the cafeteria. a) socialised with b) fell for c) took after 3) I …..................... most coworkers because I'm reliable and cheerful. a) get out with b) get on well with c) get with 4) Steven hasn't …................... whether to study abroad yet. a) sprung to mind b) picked up his brains c) made up his mind 5) My brother, who ... our grandfather, has green eyes and red hair. a) takes after b) fell for c) socialise with 6) I met Jade when we stared this school. We were both 11 and we .... straight away. a) hit it off b) took after c) looked after 7) My sister met her boyfriend at work and they ... now for three years. a) have been moving together b) have been hanging out c) have been going out together

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