1) People first domesticated goats in the Middle East a) Goats are domesticated in the Middle East b) People are domesticated in the Middle East c) Goats were first domesticated in the Middle East d) Goats are first domesticated in the Middle East e) Goats first are domesticated in the Middle East 2) People rarely use the tennis courts during the winter months a) The tennis courts are rarely used during the winter b) The tennis courts used during the winter c) The tennis courts were rarely used during the winter d) The tennis courts are rarely use during the winter e) The tennis courts rarely used during the winter 3) The police have found the people they were looking for a) TThe people have found they were looking for by the police b) The peThe people they were looking for have been found by the police c) The people they were looking for have found by the police d) The people they were looking for has found by the police e) The people they were looking for have find by the police 4) Is he doing the exercises now? a) The exercises are being done by him  b) Were the exercises being done by him? c) Are you exercises be done by him? d) Is the exercises be doing by him? e) Are the exercises being done by him? 5) Who helped you to clean the house? a) Who helped the house you to clean ? b) Who helped to clean the house you? c) Who were you helped to clean the house? d) Who was you the house helped to clean? e) Who help you to clean the house?



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