What famous places have you visited in the world?, What countries do you want to visit in the future?, Which countries do you think are best for a holiday?, What type of holidays do you like? (Ex. camping, backpacking, five-star resort...), What's your favourite thing to do on holiday?, Do you prefer to explore a new city by bus or on foot?, Have you ever stayed in a hostel?, Do you prefer hostels or hotels? Why?, When was your last holiday?, Where are the best places to go in your home-country? (Ex. Christian = Colombia), Who is your favourite 'travel buddy' (your favourite person to travel with), In your opinion, what is the most overrated famous attraction? (overrated = every one says it's THE BEST but in reality it's just 'ok'), What 5 things do you ALWAYS bring with you on a holiday?, Describe the most interesting person/people you met on holiday, Why do people like to travel? , How can you travel without spending too much money?.

Travel Conversation



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