1) The Star Wars films were directed by... a) George Lucas b) Steven Spielberg c) Stanley Kubrick 2) The Italian flag was designed by... a) Garibaldi b) Napoleon c) Mussolini 3) The first mobile phones were sold in.... a) 1963 b) 1873 c) 1983 4) The electric chair was invented by... a) a dentist b) a teacher c) a politician 5) The Smartphone was invented by... a) IBM b) Apple c) Nokia 6) The book which was stolen most often from libraries is... a) The Bible b) The Lord of the Rings c) The Guinness Book of Records 7) Chess was invented by... a) the Egyptians b) the Chinese c) the Indians 8) The first Levi Jeans were worn by... a) miners b) farmers c) cowboys 9) Football was first played by... a) the Greeks b) the Romans c) the British 10) The politician Winston Churchill was born ... a) on a train b) in a toilet c) under a bridge 11) Google was invented by... a) Graham Bell b) Sergey Brin and Larry Page c) Mark Zuckerberg 12) The refrigerator was invented by... a) Walter Diemer b) Dov Moran c) Oliver Evans

Inventions - Passive voice



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