HR Diagram - a scatter plot of stars showing the relationship between luminosity and surface temperature, luminosity - the star brightness resulting from the energy emitted from the star over a period of time, spectral class - the classification of stars based on the elements they absorb and their surface temperature, main sequence star - a narrow band of stars on the HR diagram that fuse hydrogen into helium in their core, red giant - very old star that has begun to die and has depleted their hydrogen supply, white dwarf - very small dense star with a collapsed core in the final stage of a low mass star, supernova - a large explosion that takes place at the end of a massive star's life cycle., nebula - a giant cloud of dust and gas in space, protostar - a very young star that is still gathering mass and forming from stellar nebula, star life cycle - the process by which a star changes over time with its lifetime being dependent on its mass, gravity - the force that creates the pressure to fuse atoms, which makes the stars shine, the Sun - a yellow dwarf star classified as a G-type main-sequence star with a surface temperature,

Astronomy Terms



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