1) A 15yo female presents with a 5 week history of right knee pain, It is aggravated when descending stairs, squatting or kneeling. She denies recent trauma or fall. She is a cross-country runner. Physical examination shows full range of motion and no effusion. Pain is elicited with palpation on resisted knee extension. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?  a) Anterior cruciate ligament tear b) Chondromalacia patella c) Iliotibial band syndrome d) Osgood-Schlatter disease e) Prepatellar bursitis 2) A 14yo male presents with bilateral knee pain. He plays high school basketball and volleyball. Physical exam shows pronounced tibial tubercles with tenderness on palpation. Pain is elicited upon resisted knee extension. Which of the following most likely contributed to this patient's condition? a) Anterior cruciate ligament tear b) Medial meniscal tear c) Tibial stress fractures d) Traction on the apophysis

Osgood-Schlatter disease, Chondromalacia



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