1) Giovanni is a professional _______________. a) chef b) football player c) gondolier d) real estate agent  2) Giovanni works in __________________ .  a) Rome b) Naples c) Venice d) Bologna 3) Giovanni initially wanted to be a ______________ . a) doctor b) lawyer c) teacher d) pilot 4) The interviewer is from _______________ .  a) the UK b) France c) Spain d) the USA 5) Except for Venice, the only other place in the world where you can be a gondolier is _________________ . a) Las Vegas b) Richmond c) Nevada City d) Missoula 6) Giovanni was helped by a _________________ , to become a gondolier. a) brother b) friend c) godfather d) mother 7) It is a myth that gondoliers ________________. a) dance b) sing c) play an instrument d) joke around 8) Giovanni wants to spend a part of the year in _________________ . a) New Zealand b) Australia c) USA d) Sweden 9) When you are a gondolier, it is sometimes hard to have a ________________ .  a) pet b) friend c) lot of money  d) wife 10) Giovanni has been a gondolier for ___________ years now. a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 20

Having the time of his life


दृश्य शैली


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