1) What is the difference between Present Simple and Present Continuous? Remember the forms. Give examples. 2) What is the difference between Past Simple and Past Continuous? Remember the forms. Give examples. 3) What is a subject question? Take any 5 sentences and make all possible questions for them. 4) How do you speak about person's responsibilities (должен)? How do you say it in Past Simple? Give examples. 5) What is the difference between action and state verbs? Give examples in different grammar. 6) What do you use Present Perfect for? Give examples. 7) How do you make predictions about the future? Give examples. 8) How do you speak about your plans? Give examples. 9) How do you make Comparative adjectives? Give examples. 10) How do you make Superlative adjectives? Give examples. 11) Remember as many words as you can from the topic 'Question words'. Give examples. 12) Remember as many words as you can from the topic 'Free time activities'. Give examples. 13) Remember as many words as you can from the topic 'How often'. Give examples. 14) Remember as many words as you can from the topic 'Relationships'. Give examples. 15) Remember as many words as you can from the topic 'Work'. Give examples. 16) Remember as many words as you can from the topic 'Looking for a job'. Give examples. 17) Remember as many words as you can from the topic 'Films'. Give examples. 18) Remember as many words as you can from the topic 'Music'. Give examples. 19) Remember as many words as you can from the topic 'Environment'. Give examples. 20) Remember as many words as you can from the topic 'Personality'. Give examples. 21) Remember as many words as you can from the topic 'Family and people'. Give examples. 22) Remember as many words as you can from the topic 'Prefixes for negative adjectives'. Give examples. 23) What is the difference between INTERESTED and INTERESTING? Give more examples. 24) What's the difference between SPEND ON and SPEND WITH? Give more examples with prepositions. 25) Imagine that you are at a party. Meet the person you don't know. Have a small talk. 26) Imagine that you are at a date. Talk to the person and find things in common. React with 'So do I' or 'I don't' 27) Imagine that you were late to the meeting. Talk to your boss. Apologize, say why you were late and give a promise. 28) Have a debate on the topic 'Men and women shouldn't have different responsibilities' 29) Organise a New Year party. Say who will be responsible for food and drinks, place, guests and other things. 30) Imagine that you call your colleague on the phone, but they are in a meeting. Give them a message.

Revision Midterm Pre-Intermediate



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