Impact on West Indies ( Caribbean): Famine on the islands as crops like sugar were grown to be sold not to eat, Small farms were replaced with large plantations, The natural beauty of the islands was destroyed to build large plantations, The natives were wiped out by diseases from Europeans, Racism increased, as 90% were African slaves and 10% were white owners, Voodoo religion flourished as Africans brought over their own religion which mixed with Catholicism, A network of roads developed to transport slave produced goods, Islands economies were based on one crop, such as sugar. When demand dropped the islands faced poverty, Impact on Africa: Manufacturing didn't develop as they got goods like pots from Britain, Diseases spread due to population movement as slaves were marched to the slave factories on the coast, Tribes were more likely to go to war as they wanted to win prisoners they could sell as slaves, Wars became more violent as British ships brought guns which they traded for slaves, Life became more dangerous, there was an increase risk of being kidnapped into slavery, Tribes made more crimes punishable by slavery, Tribes like Dahomey became wealthy from trading slaves,

Impact on Africa versus Impact on Caribbean (West Indies)



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