1) John: Do you want to come round? Kate: I can’t. I’m looking after my brother. a) John: Who is your brother? b) John: What about later this afternoon? c) John: Where’s your brother this afternoon? 2) Leo: Do you know anything about Halloween? a) Marta: Excuse me, how do you spend that day? b) Marta: I’d like to ask about Halloween. c) Marta: I’ve never heard of it. Is it an American holiday? 3) Nick: ... ? Dad: Definitely not. You’ve got a lot of homework to do. a) Nick: I must go out and see someone in the afternoon. b) Nick: Can I go out with some friends this afternoon? c) Nick: Do you have to see your friend in the afternoon? 4) Chcesz skorzystać z telefonu komórkowego kolegi. Jak go o to zapytasz? a) I can take your phone? b) May I borrow your mobile phone? c) I want to lend your mobile! 5) Chcesz wyjść z domu. Jak zapytasz o zgodę? a) Do you agree with me? b) I’m not allowed to go? c) Can I go out? 6) Chcesz zaprosić koleżankę do siebie na przyjęcie. Jak to wyrazisz? a) Do you fancy coming over here for a party? b) I want to invite some people. I have a party. c) Are you coming to a party, my friend? 7) Zapytaj znajomego z zagranicy, jak obchodzi Święta Wielkanocne. a) How do people celebrate in your country? b) I’d like to know how you celebrate Easter in your country. c) .Do you have traditional holidays like Easter in your country? 8) Które zdania poprawnie przedstawiają opis rodziny? a) I love animals! There are two dogs at my grandma's house. They're French bulldogs. I'd love to have a pet in my house, too. b) I live with my parents and my two sisters. The sisters are four and three. Their names are Hannah and Isabell. My mum is a nurse, and my dad is a vet. c) My usual day starts at 8 o'clock. I get up, have a shower and some breakfast. I leave the house at 9, and I usually walk to school, but when it rains I take a bus. 9) Które zdania przedstawiają opis wspólnego święta spędzonego z rodziną? a) In the USA people celebrate Black Friday. People do a lot of shopping on that day because there are some sales in all shops! b) I don't enjoy Christmas, to be honest. It takes hours to clean and decorate the house. I can't stand buying presents. I never know what to buy for all my family members. c) In my family, All Saints Day is a very important time of the year. This year, as usual, we went to a cemetary to put flowers and candles on the graves of our relatives. 10) Zapytaj koleżankę ze Stanów Zjednoczonych jakie święta obchodzi wspólnie z rodziną. a) What holidays do you celebrate with your family? b) What do you do with your family on Christmas? c) What is your favorite holiday?


दृश्य शैली


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