1) sheet material made by bonding together wood fibres with a synthetic resin adhesive a) MDF (Medium density fibreboard) b) postmodern c) plywood d) glass paper 2) a detailed document that sets out exactly what a product should have or do a) deciduous b) Pillar drill c) glass paper d) Specification 3) the statement a client gives to a designer outlining what they want their product to be like a) wood vice b) coniferous c) MDF (Medium density fibreboard) d) Design Brief 4) used to create the hole in the mdf for the clock shaft a) Pillar drill b) coping saw c) Hegner/fret saw d) MDF (Medium density fibreboard) 5) smooths rough edges after sawing a) hand file b) Pillar drill c) postmodern d) belt sander  6) a handsaw with a very narrow blade held under tension in a U-shaped frame and used especially for cutting curves in wood a) Ettore Sottsass b) coping saw c) coniferous d) Hegner/fret saw 7) used to secure work in place for shaping/ filing a) wood vice b) Specification c) deciduous d) belt sander  8) used in shaping and finishing wood and other materials with constant loop a) Design Brief b) belt sander  c) Pillar drill d) oak 9) makes ultra-intricate cuts in pieces of wood and other materials. a) production b) hand file c) deciduous d) Hegner/fret saw 10) trees that grow needles instead of leaves and cones instead of flowers a) wood vice b) postmodern c) assemble d) coniferous 11) shedding all leaves annually at the end of the growing season and then having a period without leaves a) deciduous b) wood vice c) Design Brief d) balsa 12) a manmade board of wood veneers bonded together at 90 degree angles a) plywood b) production c) Pillar drill d) pine 13) a hardwood: strong, hard, heavy and dense with very close grain a) oak b) wood vice c) Hegner/fret saw d) Specification 14) An evergreen softwood tree a) pine b) Ettore Sottsass c) plywood d) glass paper 15) a hardwood which is soft and lightweight a) oak b) Design Brief c) balsa d) plywood 16) a reaction against the ideas art & design a) deciduous b) oak c) Design Brief d) postmodern 17) a strong paper with textured surface used for smoothing surface a) glass paper b) Pillar drill c) pine d) postmodern 18) an item is made to the requests of a client a) deciduous b) postmodern c) Hegner/fret saw d) production 19) joining all elements of the product together a) production b) Ettore Sottsass c) deciduous d) assemble 20) founder of the Memphis group a) coniferous b) Ettore Sottsass c) belt sander  d) assemble

key words maze clocks



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