1) It really ........ me when people drive close behind me. a) infuriating b) infuriates c) infuriated 2) I gget very ........ when something goes wrong with my internet connection and I don't know how to fix it.  a) frustrate b) frustratingg c) frustrated 3) It's so ..... when I can't remember someone's name, but they can't remember mine.  a) embarrassingg b) embarrasses c) embarrassed 4) I used to love shopping in the sales, but now I find it .... After an hour, I just want to go home.  a) exhausting b) exhausted c) exhausts 5) I am often ...... with my birthday presents. My expectations are obviously too high! a) disappoint b) disappointing c) disappointed 6) It.... me that some people still don't do their banking online. a) amazes b) amaze c) amazing 7) I find speakingg in public absolutely ....... I hate doing it a) terrified b) terrifying c) terrifies 8) I've often been ..... by reading about how some successful people have overcome difficulties a) inspired b) inspire c) inspiring 9) I never find instructions for electronic devices helpful - in fact, usually they just ...... me  a) confused b) confusing c) confuse 10) When I travel, I'm always .... if I manage to communicate something in a foreign language. a) thrill b) thrilling c) thrilled

UNIT 5B: Expressing feelings with verbs or -ed / -ing


दृश्य शैली


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