1) Sarah hears the other girls talking about her shoes during recess. What should Sarah do? a) Go tell a teacher or trusted adult b) Yell at them c) cry and tell no one d) start making fun of their shoes 2) While playing kickball, Jason gets kicked in the back by Patrick. What could Jason say to Patrick? a) "I'm going to kick you back" b) "I don't like that, please be careful" c) "I'm sorry" 3) The teacher said to pick partners for a project. Al wanted to join Henry's group but Henry said "you can't sit with us because your name sucks". This is not bullying. a) True b) False 4) You see a classmate crying in the bathroom. You ask him whats wrong and he tells you someone pushed him and he fell and scraped his arm. What should you do to help? a) You walk away and go back to class b) Take him to the nurse c) Tell your teacher d) B and C 5) You are standing in line for lunch, and a boy cuts in front of you. You tell him "hey! you just cut me!" and he tells you to shut up. This is an example of bullying. a) True b) False

ArPe Bullying



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