Do not talk if you are in the audience of a play or musical, It is simply impossible to talk in a theatre without disturbing people around you, Turn off and put away all cell phones and beepers, Even if the sound is off, the light from a cell phone will disturb everyone, Do not take pictures, videos, or sound recordings of a theatre production, Not only does taking pictures bother other people, but you are not really watching the show, Do not arrive late to a theatre production, Ushers do not always let latecomers enter the auditorium, Try not to leave early unless you are provoked to do so, It is acceptable to leave a play if you wait until intermission, Laugh at jokes, but not at death or love scenes, Try not to applaud out of excitement in the middle of a scene, Never bring outside food or drink into a theatre performance, They do not usually sell popcorn or candy at professional theaters, Do not open noisy cough drops or wrapped candy, If you need to open a cough drop, make sure you do it quickly, Remove fidgety small children and crying babies immediately, Some children are simply too young to bring to a theatre performance, Be prepared to enjoy yourself at the theatre, You cannot possibly enjoy yourself if you are expecting to have a bad time,




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