1) In a point (2,-3), the value of ordinate is a) 2 b) -3 c) Both 2) If we plot a graph of linear equation, we always got a) parallel lines b) none c) straight lines 3) A plane graph has _ axis a) two b) three c) four 4) The value of x -coordinate is called a) coordinate b) abscissa c) y-ordinate 5) At the right side of plain graph ,the value x is in a) + b) - c) both 6) A _ is a relationship between two variables x and y a) function b) fraction c) percentage 7) y=3x+7 it is an a) Exprestion b) equation c) algebraic exprestion 8) the line intersecting at right angles at point0 are known as a) cartestian b) none c) origin 9) (2,-9),the p(point )known a) coordinate b) x-coordinates c) y-coordinates 10)  Cartestian coordinates were invented by a) Rene decrates b) sir thomas



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