1) What is xaxis? a) horizontal line b) vertical line c) straightline 2) What is y axis a) horizontal line b) vertical line c) straight line 3) How graph help in our daily life? a) through line b) through vertics c) through line 4) Who invent graph? a) Leonhard Euler b) Imran Aziz c) neil Armstrong 5) How do graph important? a) to find data b) to find question to answer c) to show answers digram 6) What is graph? a) a digram which contains two axis one horizontal and one vertical line b) a digram which show time c) a digram which show place 7) What we called vertical+ line a) +y axis b) +xaxis c) yaxis 8) What we called vertical - line called? a) -y axis b) -x axis c) Yaxis 9) What we called horizontal+line called? a) +xaxis b) -xaxis c) yaxis 10) What we called horizontal -line called? a) -xaxis b) +xaxis c) y axis



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