What was the ''sit-in'' protest? , What did ''Woolworths'' finally do? Do you think the ''sit-in'' protest was successful? , How did black people feel when they were attacked by the police? , What happened to King when he joined the ''sit-in'' protest? How did he feel?, '' If the law is unfair, then it is right to break it'' Who said these words? Do you believe in it?, What did Coretta King do when King was sent to prison? How did she feel?, Why was Birmingham one of the worst cities in the country? What was it called?, What happened to the protesters in Birmingham? Who was the chief of the police at the time?, ''Too often ''Wait'' means ''Never''.'' Who said these words? Why? , ''Freedom is only for white Americans'' Some white people believed that. What do you think?, What was King's dream? , ''This country is sick!'' Who said these words and when and why?, What did president Johnson sign in 1964? How did king feel?, Malcom X believed that ''Violence is the answer to violence'' What do you think?.

Story Discussion Part 1


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