1) たなかさんは どこにすんでいますか。 a) There is no sofa. b) The apple is in front of the box. c) Tanaka-san, where do you live? d) The coffee cup is on the table. 2) トロントにすんでいます。 a) Who is in room 302? b) I live in Toronto. c) Tanaka-san, where do you live? d) I live alone. 3) きむらさんのいえに なにがありますか。 a) I live in Toronto. b) No, it is not spacious. It is small. c) Kimura-san, what is there in your home? (lit. What is there in Kimura-san's home?) d) inside the box 4) いすがみっつあります。 テーブルとテレビもあります。 a) There are three chairs. There is also a table and a TV. b) under the table c) I live alone. d) Tanaka-san, where do you live? 5) せんせいのいえにねこがいますか。 a) I live alone. b) I live with my family. c) Sensei (teacher), do you have a cat in your home? (lit. Is there a cat in the teacher's house?) d) under the table 6) 302のへやにだれがいますか。 a) under the table b) Sensei (teacher), do you have a cat in your home? (lit. Is there a cat in the teacher's house?) c) Who is in room 302? d) beside/next to the box 7) いくつありますか。 a) How many (things) are there? b) Sensei (teacher), do you have a cat in your home? (lit. Is there a cat in the teacher's house?) c) Who is in room 302? d) beside/next to the box 8) わたしのへやに いぬはいません。 a) Tanaka-san, where do you live? b) Who do you live with? c) I do not have a (there is no) dog in my room. d) I live alone. 9) ソファはありません。 a) There is no sofa. b) I do not have a (there is no) dog in my room. c) beside/next to the box d) Tanaka-san, where do you live? 10) まりなさんのいえは ひろいですか。 a) Marina-san, is your house spacious? (lit. Is Marina-san's house spacious?) b) under the table c) Kimura-san, what is there in your home? (lit. What is there in Kimura-san's home?) d) I live in Toronto. 11) いいえ、ひろくないです。 せまいです。 a) under the table b) I live alone. c) There are three chairs. There is also a table and a TV. d) No, it is not spacious. It is small.

A1 T4 Grammar Review: Quiz_1


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