1) I love ice cream, __________ he loves apples. a) but b) so c) because 2) He is hungry, ______ he gets some food. a) but b) so c) because 3) The weather isn't very nice, ______ we don't go camping. a) but b) so c) because 4) He loves to play video games, _______ he also likes to go outside. a) but b) so c) because 5) I am tired __________ I didn't sleep well last night. a) but b) so c) because 6) I got lost, _______ I asked for directions. a) but b) so c) because 7) I was hungry, _____ I made myself a sandwich. a) but b) so c) because 8) _________ he was tired, he didn't do his homework. a) But b) So c) Because 9) The cat is running away _____________ the dog is chasing him! a) but b) so c) because 10) The dog likes to eat bones, ___________ the cat does not. a) but b) so c) because

conjunctions: but, so, because



दृश्य शैली


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