1) Can you spell ...........?  a) your name? b) your surname ? c) your classmate´s name? 2) How old .......?  a) are you? b) is your mother ? c) is your best friend? 3) Where ...............?  a) are you from? b) is your mother from? c) is your brother/ sister from? 4) Who do you live with? Mention your family members a) b) 5) Can you describe this room ?  a) b) 6) What personal items do you have in .....? a) your bag? b) your wallet? c) purse? 7) Think of your Daily Routine a) Describe it b) 8) What time ....? a) do you get up? b) does your ........watch tv? 9) What places can tourists visit in Mendoza ? a) b) 10) Imaging that you have to help a tourist get to the .....? a) cinema? b) police station? c) .....? 11) Let´s talk about clothes... a) Do you like buying clothes? b) Do you buy your clothes on line ? c) what are you wearing right now? 12) Free time activities a) What do you do in your free time? b) What activities can you do in a hot/cold weather? 13) Physical appearance a) Choose one person and describe him? b) ...her? 14) Eating time! What do you usually eat and drink for..........? a)  breakfast? b) lunch? c) dinner? 15) How does food make you feel ? a) b) c)

Final Exam - Adult Beginners



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