1) 3 dishes you will have at your New Year''s Party.  10 sec to answer! :) 2) 3 best places to meet New Year. 10 sec to answer! :) 3) 3 favourite songs of 2023. 10 sec to answer! :) 4) 3 words to describe 2023. 10 sec to answer! :) 5) 3 things you are most proud of this year. 6) 3 things you will do on January 1st. 10 sec to answer! :) 7) 3 movies you watched in 2023. 10 sec to answer! :) 8) 3 things games you played in 2023 . 10 sec to answer! :) 9) 3 new English words you've learn this year 10) 3 best gifts in your opinion 11) 3 things you would like to decorate in your house


दृश्य शैली


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