1 My parents want my brother to ____ a private school, but he prefers the local secondary school. 2 If you ____ low grades, it doesn’t mean you aren’t intelligent. 3 My father forgot to ____ the fees for my music lessons. 4 My ____ is very expensive as I live there as well as study there. 5 If I ____ my exams, I’ll take them again after the summer. 6 In Finland, children start ____ at the age of seven. 7 My parents were really angry when I got ____ in all my exams. 8 The best place to ____ for tests is in the library as you can study better when it’s quiet. 9 Getting good ____ shouldn’t be the most important thing at school. 10 Children shouldn’t have to take exams in primary school. 11 We attend ____ after we leave primary school. 12 Students in South Korea have to ____ the university entrance exam the first time they take it.

RM B1 U10A vocabulary



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