1) Although your perspective is different than mine, I enjoyed your lecture. It gave me_______ a) lost in thought b) food for thought c) train of thought 2) At first, I thought of flying to Thailand, but then I ____________and decided to go to Brazil a) held my thought b) collected my thoughts c) had second thoughts 3) Even when someone brings you a present you don't need or like, you don't show your disappointment a) remember, it's the thought that counts b) remember, it's food for thought c) remember, it's a train of thoughts 4) I can't follow your_____________. I don't understand how you reached your conclusion. a) second thoughts b) food for thoughts c) train of thoughts 5) I was listening to you, but I have no idea what you were talking about. I'm sorry, I was___ a) eating thoughts b) lost in thought c) had second thoughts 6) Sometimes I lose my concentration and I need a few minutes to_______ before responding a) collect my thoughts b) hold my thoughts c) stop my thoughts

idioms with "Thought"



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