1) What year did the Haitian Revolution begin? a) 1776 b) 1789 c) 1791 d) 1804 2) Who was the leader of the Haitian Revolution? a) Toussaint Louverture b) Simon Bolivar c) Napoleon Bonaparte d) Jean-Jacques Dessalines 3) Which European power controlled Haiti before the revolution? a) Spain b) Portugal c) France d) Britain 4) What was the main crop cultivated in Haiti during the time of the revolution? a) coffee b) sugar c) cotton d) tobacco 5) Which document declared Haiti's independence from France? a) Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen b) Haitian Declaration of Independence c) Treaty of Paris d) Louisiana Purchase Agreement 6) Who became the first ruler of independent Haiti? a) Toussaint LOuverture b) Jean-Jacques Dessalines c) Napoleon Bonaparte d) Simon Bolivar 7) Which event in France contributed to the outbreak of the Haitian Revolution? a) French Revolution b) Bourbon Restoration c) Reign of Terror d) Hundred Days 8) What was the name of the slave rebellion leader who burned down Cap-Français (now Cap-Haïtien) during the Haitian Revolution? a) Toussaint LOuverture b) Jean-Jacques Dessalines c) François Mackandal d) Dutty Boukman 9) How many black slaves existed in St. Domingue at the time of theHaitian Revolution? a) 100,000 b) 90,000 c) 200,000 d) 450,000 10) What work did Toussaint LOuverture do on the plantation at the time of the Haitian Revolution?tian Revolution? a) A coach man b) field slave c) artisan d) domestic slave

The Haitian Revolution Quiz 1


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