1) What does FTA stand for? a) Federal Trade Advisors b) Free Trade Amendments c) Food Trade Assessment d) Food Trade Association e) Free Trade Agreement f) Free Trade Association 2) Select all of Australia's top export commodities as of 2021.  a) Iron ore b) Petroleum gas c) Coal briquettes d) Crude petroleum e) Gold f) Copper ore 3) Select Australia's top 3 trading partners as of 2021 a) China b) Japan c) The United States d) South Korea e) India f) New Zealand 4) Who was Australia's main trade partner during the first decades of 1900s? a) United States b) Japan c) China d) The United Kingdom e) South Korea  f) Guatemala 5) What is an import to Australia  a) goods and services sold by a country to other countries b) Goods and services produced overseas and sold overseas c) Goods and services produced locally and sold locally in Australia d) Goods and services exchanged between countries e) Goods and services produced locally and sold overseas f) Goods and services produced overseas and sold to Australia 6) What is an export a) goods and services sold by a country to other countries b) Goods and services produced overseas and sold overseas c) Goods and services produced locally and sold locally in Australia d) Goods and services exchanged between countries e) Goods and services produced locally and sold overseas  f) Goods and services produced overseas and sold to Australia 7) What are commodities  a) things made in factories b) Cellphones and computers c) food and clothing d) natural resources such as coal, iron ore, natural gas  e) electronics and telecommunications equipment f) none of the above 8) What does ChAFTA stand for a) China-Australia Free Trade Association  b) China-Australia Federal Trade Association c) China-Australia Free Trade Agreement d) China-Australia Federal Trade Agreement e) China-Australia Free Trade Agriculture f) I am not sure 9) What is the purpose of FTAs? a) To impose barriers on trade b) To increase access to goods and services by countries c) To remove barriers from trade, such as tariffs d) To manipulate and restrict trade e) To encourage trade between countries f) All of the above.


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