1) The loud outbursts of laughter from the next room distracted me from my work. a) gales b) navigating c) destination d) depart 2) I will be responsible for working out the direction the boat should be headed when we sail to Bali. a) voyage b) navigating c) destination d) depart 3) The place to which it is going is shown on the front of the bus. a) voyage b) horizon c) destination d) depart 4) We start on our journey at ten o’clock tomorrow morning. a) voyage b) horizon c) approximate d) depart 5) The ship met with stormy weather during the long journey by sea around Cape Horn. a) voyage b) horizon c) approximate d) course 6) Early this morning the apparent line where the sky and sea meet was obscured by the fog. a) severed b) horizon c) approximate d) course 7) When the driver told me that the bus ride to Boston would take two hours, my friend said that was close enough to be almost correct. a) severed b) jubilant c) approximate d) course 8) Each set of subjects to be studied takes one year to complete. a) severed b) jubilant c) gales d) course 9) I completely broke off my relationship with the company when I got a new job. a) severed b) jubilant c) gales d) navigating 10) Nina and her best friend were filled with joy when they were assigned to the same tent. a) destination b) jubilant c) gales d) navigating

Lesson 4B WW Bk 5



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