1) Which item is heavier than 1KG? a) Car b) Pencil c) Feather 2) Which item is lighter than 1KG? a) Apple b) House c) Boat 3) What tool do you use to measure weight? a) A weighing scale b) Ruler c) A Measuring tape 4) What is a standard unit of weight a) Kilogram b) Blocks c) Counters 5) What is a non-standard unit of weight a) Blocks b) Kilogram c) 1 Gram 6) Are larger objects always heavier a) Yes b) No 7) How many grams are in a kilogram a) 100 gram b) 500 grams c) 1000 grams 8) Which is heavier a kilogram of feathers or a kilogram of rocks a) Feathers b) Rocks c) They are the same 9) What is heavier an orange or a paperclip a) Orange b) Paper clip 10) What does the word estimate mean? a) A guess b) The correct answer c) Neither of the above 11) Choose the heaviest object a) Table b) House c) Car 12) What is heavier a) 1 gram b) 1 Kilogram 13) Which of the following is about one kilogram? a) A textbook b) A pencil c) A paper clip d) A spoon 14) If you have two items in the balancing scales and they are evenly balanced, what does that mean? a) One is heavier b) One is lighter c) They are the same weight 15) What's lighter a) A banana b) A euro coin

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