1) There ... a bed in the bedroom a) is b) are 2) There ... pictures in the hall a) is b) are 3) There ... two children in the bath a) is b) are c)   4) There ... two chairs in the kitchen a) is b) are 5) There ... two armchairs in the living room a) is b) are  6) There ... a window in the garage a) is b) are 7) There ... two windows in the living room a) is b) are 8) There ... two toothbrushes in the bathroom a) is b) are 9) There ... a cupboard in the kitchen a) is b) are 10) There ... a fridge in the kitchen a) is b) are 11) There ... a white house a) is b) are 12) There ... a house in the water a) is b) are

There is/are+house


दृश्य शैली


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