Spiders spin webs without being taught - The spider web is how the spider is able to catch its food. Spiders need food to live., Baby turtles are born on land because they breathe with lungs, but they know how to walk to the ocean after they hatch without being taughtBaby turtles are born on land because they breathe with lungs, but they know how to walk to the ocean after they hatch without being taught. Knowing how to walk to the ocean is a behavioral adaptation. - Turtles need to get to the water after being born because they live in the water where their physical adaptations allow them to better compete for food and evade predators. A turtle is a faster swimmer than a walker, Babies cry when they need something without being taught - Crying allows the baby to let its caregiver know that it needs something. It lets the baby tell the adult that it is hungry or hurt, Birds move south, migrate, for the winter - Keeps the bird from freezing and allows the bird to find food during seasonal temperature changes,

Behavioral Adaptations are ways that animals behave that help them survive. Some behaviors are learned while others are



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