affect - to influence someone or something, effect - a change that is caused by something, behavior - the things that a person or an animal does, wagon - a large vehicle with four large wheels pulled by horses, parade - a public celebration of a special day usually with bands in the streets, encourage - to give someone the courage to do something, aboard - on or onto a ship, plane, or train, immediately - without delay, match - to combine well, furniture - large objects such as chairs, tables, and beds, replace - to get rid of someone or something, and to put a new person or thing in their place, concept - an idea or a principle, purchase - the act of buying something; to buy something, discount - a reduction in the price of something; to reduce the price of something, mention - to speak or write a few words about something or someone, furthermore - in addition, anchor - a heavy object that is dropped into the water to prevent a boat from moving; to prevent a boat from moving by dropping a heavy metal object into the water, fix - to put something firmly in a place so that it will not move, influence - to affect the way that someone thinks or behaves,

L7. Spend Wisely 어휘-영영풀이



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