1) How old is Rey at first? a) 19 b) 22 c) 44 d) 56 e) 10 f) Rey isn't a character. 2) Who kills Obi Wan Kenobi? a) Luke Skywalker b) Darth Vader c) Princess Leia d) The Rancor e) He falls off a cliff and dies. f) He isn't killed, he just gets lost trying to find the bathroom and is never seen again. 3) How does Princess Leia escape from the Death Star? a) She blows it up with a bomb. b) Darth Vader befriends her, and lets her go. c) She doesn't. d) Luke, Han, Chewie, and Obi Wan rescue her. e) She escapes on the Tantive IV. f) The pigs rescue her. 4) Who is Luke Skywalker's best friend? (The photo gives a clue.) a) Biggs Darklighter b) Princess Leia c) Chewie d) Han Solo e) Jabba The Hutt f) His Grandma. 5) Who does Anakin duel with on Mustafar? a) Himself b) Obi Wan c) Palpetine d) Padamé e) He doesn't duel anyone. f) The Sand People. 6) Who is Han Solo's copilot? a) Chewie b) Padamé c) He has no copilot d) Luke e) Darth Vader f) General Grievous 7) What species is General Grievous? a) Human b) Part Kaleesh and part droid c) Rancor d) Wookie e) A droid f) Genosian 8) Who did Anakin marry?  a) Leia b) Obi Wan c) General Grievous d) Chewie e) Padamé f) Nobody. 9) What color was the laser beam from the Death Star? a) Blue b) Purple c) Red d) White e) Invisible. f) Green 10) How old was Rey when she made her doll? a) 19 b) 4 c) 10 d) 8 e) 77 f) 47 11) What is Kylo Ren's real name? a) Ben Solo b) Porky Pig c) Rey d) John Kaleen e) Raleigh Buns f) Leia Organa 12) What is Han Solo's ship called? a) 172Sabre b) Millenium Falcon c) Black 1 d) Ravager e) RE482 f) It had no name.



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