What used to be your biggest dream?, What used to be your favorite film? Why?, What did you use to be scared of?, Lisa and Jenny … ice cream when I saw them (Past Continuous), At 9 o'clock this morning, Paul and his brother … (wait)for a bus (Past Continuous), What used to be your favorite game to play?, beautiful/bad/fast (Adverbs of manner -ly), Did you use to have a pet? If not, did you want one?, My dad / watch TV at 2 o'clock yesterday(Past Continuous), What used to be your favorite toy?, What were you doing at 6 pm yesterday ? (Past Continuous), Did you use to ride a bicycle? If so, where did you ride?, What food did you use to like the most?, What were you wearing yesterday? (Past Continuous), What music were you listening to yesterday? (Past Continuous), Who used to be your hero?, Can you dance..... (good)?(Adverbs of manner -ly), While I was practising the piano, my cats ...(play) with each other. (Past Continuous), Tell me about something you do (good). (Adverbs of manner -ly), Where did you use to go in your holidays?, What ..... you ........ (do) when the fire started? (Past Continuous), good/easy/quick (Adverbs of manner -ly), We / tidying or bedrooms at 5 o'clock yesterday (Past Continuous), Can you sing beautifully? (Adverbs of manner -ly), Tell me about someone you know who speaks English (fluent). (Adverbs of manner -ly), Can you do math..... (fast)?(Adverbs of manner -ly), Can you remember things.... (easy)?(Adverbs of manner), What .......... you .......... (watch) yesterday? (Past Continuous), Tell me about something you do (slow). (Adverbs of manner -ly), Tell me about something you do (happy). (Adverbs of manner -ly).

Practising (Past Continuous, used to , adverbs of manner)


दृश्य शैली


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