1) Look at the picture! I have ....  a) banana seven b) seven banana c) seven bananas 2) Syifa ... some apples in the basket. a) is b) has c) have 3) I ... many kinds of fruits in the garden. a) have b) has c) is 4) He ... three cherries. a) have b) has c) are 5) I ... ten papayas. a) is b) has c) have 6) She ... a lot of mangoes. a) has b) have c) is 7) Susi has .... a) honeydew b) mango c) grapes 8) nine - Clara - strawberries - has | The correct order for the scrambled words is .... a) Clara nine strawberries has b) Clara has nine strawberries c) Clara nine has strawberries 9) one - have - mango - I | The correct order for the scrambled words is .... a) I one have mango b) mango have one I c) I have one mango 10) Aiman mempunyai lima jeruk | The sentence can be translated into English to be .... a) Aiman has five orange b) Aiman have four orange c) Aiman has five oranges 11) Saya mempunyai enam buah semangka. | The sentence can be translated into English to be .... a) I has seven honeydew b) I have six watermelons c) She has six grapes 12) Look at the picture! I have two and half .... a) oranges b) guavas c) papayas 13) Look at the picture! There are ... apples on the tree. a) eight b) six c) seven 14) Terry has .... a) eight strawberries b) nine strawberries c) seven strawberries 15) Based on the audio, the speaker mentioned ... as the fruit. a) apples b) roseapples c) pineapples

Has-Have and Fruits


दृश्य शैली


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