1) Yesterday, I ______ candy with my coins. a) buy b) bought 2) Last night, my brother _____ noodles for dinner. a) ate b) eat 3) Last year, I ______ letters to my friends for their birthdays. a) write b) wrote 4) Last week, we _____ a helmet in the museum. a) see b) saw 5) Yesterday, my mom didn't _____ dinner. a) make b) made 6) Yesterday, my brother didn't _____ pizza for lunch. a) eat b) ate 7) Yesterday, I _____ colorful clothes to school. a) wear b) wore 8) Last night, my dad _____ tea. a) drank b) drink 9) Yesterday I didn't ______ my friends. a) saw b) see 10) Last year, I ____ my grandparents cookies. a) make b) made

3- Past Simple Irregular Verbs (affirmative+negative)


दृश्य शैली


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