Suitably Qualified Person (SQP): Complete 5 hours of CPD per year, Operate under the VMR allowing them to supply and provide advice on specific categories of veterinary medicines, AMTRA provides training and accreditation, Must operate from approved and registered premises, Veterinary Nurse (VN): Administer medication prescribed by the vet acting under their direction, Do not have the authority to independently prescribe medications, Contribute to the overall care of animals by assisting with medication administration and client education, Cannot supply NFA-VPS products, Veterinarian (Vet): Can prescribe POM-V medicines, Have additional responsibilities with the prescription or supply of POM-V and POM-VPS and the supply of AVM-GSL medicines., Should take extra care when prescribing controlled drugs, to ensure that the medicines are used only for the animals under treatment., Responsible for controlling dosage, providing follow-up, and ensuring correct use of the drug by the end user, Veterinary Medicines Regulations: POM-VPS may be prescribed in circumstances where the veterinary surgeon, pharmacist or SQP has made no clinical assessment of the animals and the animals are not under the prescriber’s care., Set out the UK controls on veterinary medicines, including their manufacture, advertising, marketing, supply and administration, Specify record-keeping requirements related to the supply and administration of medicines, Came into force on October 1, 2013, Veterinary Medicines Directorate: Regulate the licensing, supply and administration of medicines, Assesses applications for and authorising companies to sell veterinary medicines, Advises government ministers on developing veterinary medicines policy and putting it into action, An executive agency of DEFRA, The Medicines Act 1968: Governs the control of medicines for both human and veterinary use, Categorises medicines based on their risk level and regulates their licensing and distribution, Plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety, quality, and proper use of medicinal products, Sets standards for safety and quality,

VN04 - Roles and Responsibilities



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