Detritivore - Organism that consumes dead organic material. , Decomposer - Breaks down dead / decaying matter for detritivores to consume., Autotroph - Organism that can produce its own food through photosynthesis. Also called a producer., Producer - Organism that can produce its own food through photosynthesis. Also called an autotroph.., Consumer - Organism that cannot produce its own food. Must eat other plants / animals to get energy, Trophic level - Position of an organism in a food chain, Biotic - Living component in an ecosystem, Abiotic - Non-living component in an ecosystem, Pyramid by numbers - Shows the total number of individual organisms at each level in the food chain, Pyramid of biomass - Representation of living organic matter (biomass) present at different trophic levels in an ecosystem., Hterotroph - Organism that eats other plants / animals for energy / nutrition., Carnivore - An organism that eats flesh., Omnivore - Organisms that eat both flesh and plant material., Herbivore - Organism that eats plant material., Apex predator - Organism at the top of the food chain, Food chain - Shows a straight line progression of energy transfer between different trophic levels in an ecosystem., Food web - Shows a number of interconnecting food chains in an ecosystem., Primary consumer - Organisms that eat producers. Second trophic level., Secondary consumer - Organisms that eat primary consumers. Third trophic level. , Tertiary consumer - Organisms that eats secondary consumers. Fourth trophic level.,

WHS scientific literacy ecosystems 1



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