Museum - It’s a place where historical or artistic objects are kept to be observed and admired., Hospital - It’s a place where people get cured., Library - It’s the place where people go to read and study, Police Station - It’s the work place of people who take care of their town and also arrest criminals., School - It’s the place where children learn., Supermarket - It’s the place where people get their groceries and food among other things, Park - It’s the place where children play after school., Theatre - It’s a building in which performances and plays are presented in front of an audience., Amusement park - It’s a big place full of rollacoasters and fun stands., Coffee shop - It’s a place where people get drinks and donuts that refill their energy., University - A place where older than 18 year olds can study a more specific subject for a future job., Train station - A place from which you can get a very fast public transport that can take you to another place far away., Bank - A place in which you can deal with your money., Restaurant - A place in which you can eat food that you don’t cook yourself., Post office - A place from where you can send and receive cards or packages., Shopping mall - A place to buy many things in many different shops., Hotel - A place where foreigners stay when they visit another city., Fire station - A work place where people save lives involved with a fire accident., Traffic light - An object that helps avoid accidents in the streets., Fountain - It’s a monument filled with water.,



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