: Concentric Zone Model, city grows outward in series of rings CBD is the center point , Home values/rent decrease further from CBD, created by Burgess, : Sector Model, city develops in series of wedges shows class divisions , sectors/wedges are centered on major transportation lines to the CBD, Created by Hoyt, : Multiple Nuclei Model, more than one CBD in the city , early growth in the suburbs with the expansion of middle class , decrease in heavy manufacturing as seen in size of sectors, created by Harris & Ullman, : Galactic City Model, edge cities found in this model with less downtown importance , most people are living in the suburbs , Urban sprawl becomes a problem , created by Harris, Latin American City Model : Urban sprawl and favelas exist outside of the plaza , applies the sector model to developing countries, uneven development especially outside of plaza , created by Griffin & Ford, South East Asian Model : government and wealthy live closer to colonial ports , middle class and squatter settlements mixed , model centered around port, created by McGee, applies the multiple nuclei model to developing countries, African City Model: 3 CBDS (market, colonial and modern), squatter settlement and ethnic mixed neighborhoods , squatter settlements/ informal townships in the periphery area (outer circle) , applies the concentric zones model to developing countries, created by Harm de Blij,

Urban Model Matching Game



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