1) If you could travel in time, where would you go and why? 2) Would you rather go back in time and meet your ancestors or go to the future and meet your family? 3) Would you rather speak to animals or be able to read people´s mind 4) If you could be any employee at adidas for one day, which would you be? 5) Would you rather have a private jet or a yacht? 6) What "senior" habits do you have? 7) If you could choose to stop aging at any age, which one would you choose? 8) You're on the run from Interpol, where do you choose to hide? 9) If you could be Bjorn for a day, what would you change or do? 10) If you could rid the world of one thing, what would it be? 11) Would you rather live in the "The Lord of the Rings" era or the World of Harry Potter? 12) If you were president today, what would be the first bill you would pass? 13) You apply to be a part of The Avengers but are rejected because your superpower is kind of boring. What is it?If 14) Serious question: How long would you survive a zombie apocalypse? 15) If your dog could talk, what would they say? 16) You just won a cruise to anywhere in the world! Where would you go? 17) Which song can you listen to all day long? 18) If you could have dinner with any person, alive or dead, who would it be? 19) Describe your perfect day. 20) What’s the best vacation you have ever taken?

Let´s get to know each other



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